IREG: September 2019 meeting

By Delaware Valley Regional Planning Commission (other events)

Wednesday, September 11 2019 10:00 AM 12:00 PM EDT

Coffee will be available at 9:45 am and lunch will be served following the meeting.

ArcGIS HUB – Daniel Wickens (Solution Engineer) and Justin Cusick (Account Manager),  Esri

Many government organizations are already using and sharing open data, but the challenge is to make sense of the data and give it context. “65 percent of Americans search online for information about their government. Yet, less than 10% report finding what they need” states Pew Research Center. To start building an engaged community, a framework is needed to organize data, people, processes, and technology around the issues that matter most. We call this framework a “hub”. This presentation will provide an overview of what we mean when we say “hub” and how State and Local governments are using ArcGIS Hub as a two-way platform for gathering information from internal departments and sharing it with constituents so they can take action, solve problems, and get feedback.

Mapping Substandard Housing in Philadelphia  - Fay Walker, 2019 Azavea Summer of Maps Fellowship

Philadelphia's housing stock, is on average, 40 years older than the housing stock of other major US Cities. In part due to this aging housing, Philadelphia are often faced with substandard housing options, which is in turn linked to negative health outcomes and housing instability. Together with the Public Interest Law Center, and primarily using public data, we worked to answer the following questions:

Where substandard housing is located?

Who is impacted by substandard housing?

What entities are responsible for substandard housing?

The 2020 Census: What to Expect - Frank Donnelly, Geospatial Data Librarian, Baruch College CUNY

Geospatial Data Librarian Frank Donnelly (Baruch College CUNY) will discuss upcoming changes to the 2020 census and will demonstrate the new platform, which is replacing the American Factfinder.

Mailing Address

190 N Independence Mall West 8th Floor Philadelphia, PA 19106